About my Services
My clients love receiving my video feedbacks, because it's almost like I'm right there talking to them.
I offer a variety of services to clients involved in the RDI Family Consultation Program (FCP), and am committed to my families in the following ways:
Regular updating of goals and assignments on the RDIconnect Online Parent Training System
Prompt feedback for all assignments and questions: responses within 3 business days, although most often within 1 business day. (During vacations, up to 1 week.)
Online Video replies which are information-rich and very personalized.
Evaluation of your assignments without any personal criticism. (We as parents are judged enough by the world without bombarding ourselves with more. We can learn to evaluate ourselves as guides and improve as guides without guilt over any mis-steps, which are perfectly normal and to be expected.)
The perspective and sensitivity of a Mom (who has felt all the things you've felt).
Arriving promptly to all appointments and respecting your time.
Protecting your right to confidentiality and privacy.
Extra meetings as needed, on-line or by phone (or even in-person for local families).
"Trial guiding" (in-person / home visits for local families).
A monthly newsletter I provide, exclusively for families working with me.
The latest video and audio highlights from Dr. Gutstein and Dr. Sheely via links from my newsletter (As an RDIconnect Product Development Team Member I have an in-depth knowledge of THE latest RDI information, and where to find it.)
Notice regarding any changes in fees provided two months in advance.
For more information about my specific services, please click on the following links, or see below:
For local or distance families:
Home Visits for Trial Guiding (troubleshooting) (Dallas/Fort Worth local families only)
Note: All local meetings need to be scheduled well in advance. Please contact me as soon as possible if you have such a need, as I have limited days and times that I am available.
RDI® Family Consultation Program (FCP), including Child Assessments
Whether local or distant, all families involved in an RDI® Program are part of the Online Parent Training System, which comes with some huge benefits! Besides access to the whole RDI Program curriculum, integrated expert knowledge, webinars and parent discussion forums, I will be providing you with online video replies for very personal instruction and feedback. My clients love this feature because they say they know exactly what I mean because they can hear it from my facial expression, tone of voice, etc. It will feel like I'm right there talking to you and is a big support in nurturing our on-going, collaborative relationship.
The RDI FCP includes:
parent training and supervision (including weekly or bi-weekly on-line meetings)
child Dynamic Assessments
program design for the child
regular assignment reviews and updates
video feedback
maintenance of your online community files
The costs of the FCP can be broken down into 3 parts:
Fees for the initial Child Dynamic Assessment ($400-$500) (Re-assessments are done on an as-needed basis, typically once every year or two.)
Training and Supervision Costs ($100/hour–typically $200-400 per month)
Fees for the RDIconnect Online Parent Training System (required: $50 per month)
For more detailed information for beginning families, please see the FAQ, How much does the RDI® Family Consultation Program cost with you?
: $ 100 per hour/ 50 per half hour
School Observation Visits
Parents will sometimes request that I visit their child in his or her school, to see if the goals are generalizing in that environment. I now offer this service on-line. I can act as an "outside pair of eyes" and report back with tips or recommendations.
Report / notes. Formal reports for school district will be written by family, approved by consultant, based on consultant notes.
Home Visits for Trial Guiding (Toubleshooting)
Trial Guiding (which is done in-person, one-on-one with your child,) is a way for me to help troubleshoot problems that haven't been solved easily over the phone or by reviewing video clips online. This is done in your home (local Dallas/Fort Worth families only)
Collaborating with Other Professionals on your Team
I will work with other professionals or consultants you have on your team: ABA consultants, speech or occupational therapists, etc. For example, I have observed ABA sessions to see how specific techniques might be affecting a child's RDI Program. I believe we're better all working together in the best interests of the child.
Extender Training
Parents sometimes benefit from having an "extender"–another individual who will engage in a guiding role with their child. So, once parents have completed most of their own parent training and are feeling confident in their own abilities, if they find they need an "extender," I can teach them how to train a grandparent, aunt, uncle, teacher, tutor, nanny, babysitter, college student, etc,
Specific Academic or Language Help
While I am not a Certified Behavior Analyst, I take a very analytical approach to helping children with specific academic or language challenges they may be having. I am currently helping 5 clients in this way, and if you have specific needs in this area, please let me know.